Alana said…
Sometimes, when we’re very lucky, the right book ends up in the right hands–and this is what happened to me. I read “because” quickly, but its messages kept me thinking long after. The book asks us to think about how we decide who we really are and what we must do to hold on to our ideas of ‘self’ when things dramatically change. Along with Robert I learned that, while we can’t always change what happens to us, we can reframe the events in our lives in order to survive, and even thrive. As well, ‘because‘ reminded me to appreciate all of the ‘sherpas’ in my life–the ones I know and the ones I have yet to meet (help and good advice often arrives from the most unexpected sources). Finally, the book does a great job of weaving music through the storyline. Even each acknowledgement comes with its own soundtrack. In the spirit of matching music to ideas, I dedicate “I Can See Clearly Now” (Jimmy Cliff) to this book. An excellent, worthwhile read.
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