Today I will focus on…

Every day I have a new opportunity to be better.

Each day I can start improving my perspective and my life.

Day 11 – Today I will focus on the possibilities.

What will you focus on today?

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Today I will remember…

Every day I have a new opportunity to be better.

Each day I can start improving my perspective and my life.

Day 10 – Today I will remember all those who have helped me along the way.

What will you remember today?

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Today I will forgive…

Every day I have a new opportunity to be better.

Each day I can start improving my perspective and my life.

Day 9 – Today I will forgive myself and others.

Who will you forgive today?

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Today I will accept…

Every day I have a new opportunity to be better.

Each day I can start improving my perspective and my life.

Day 8 – Today I will accept failure and learn from it.

What will you accept today?

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Today I will listen to…

Every day I have a new opportunity to be better.

Each day I can start improving my perspective and my life.

Day 7 – Today I will listen to understand.

What/whom will you listen to today?

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Today I will create…

Every day I have a new opportunity to be better.

Each day I can start improving my perspective and my life.

Day 6 – Today I will create an environment for curiosity for my child.

What will you create today?

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Today I will give a chance…

Every day I have a new opportunity to be better.

Each day I can start improving my perspective and my life.

Day 5 – Today I will give a chance to one new adventure.

What/whom will you give a chance to today?

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Today I will learn…

Every day I have a new opportunity to be better.

Each day I can start improving my perspective and my life.

Day 4 – Today I will learn to ease my expectations.

What will you learn today?

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Today I will let go…

Every day I have a new opportunity to be better.

Each day I can start improving my perspective and my life.

Day 3 – Today I will let go of unhealthy habits and uncontrollable matters.

What will you let go today?

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Today I will surround myself with…

Every day I have a new opportunity to be better.

Each day I can start improving my perspective and my life.

Day 2 – Today I will surround myself with greatness and happy thoughts.

What will you surround yourself with today?

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Today I will give myself permission to…

Every day I have a new opportunity to be better.

Each day I can start improving my perspective and my life.

Day 1 – Today I will give myself permission to be kinder to myself.

What will you give yourself permission to do today?

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