One year later…

What a wonder-full adventure writing this book has been—because…well, there have been many creative risks I have taken in my life but none like this book! Most of the creations of mine have been as an actor, director and producer in theatre and film. I have had some of the most profound thrills of a lifetime performing and directing. I have been incredibly fortunate to have been blessed with amazing reactions: having a full auditorium burst into full-celebrated laughter…feel the silent echo of stillness that a deep touching moment can bring to an audience…gratefully bowing to a spontaneous standing ovation…or feeling that sense of pride of a job well done through newspapers or radios gifting me with critical praise. I have always felt a strong sense of WORTH through my work (really it never felt like work; more like play).

1st birthday @

And now after a year of having because out there in the world, I feel a new sense of worth that doesn’t end. Of course, it is a long road when one self publishes. I mean writing a book is a huge achievement but then you have to find readers! From discovering all the author tools out there to building a website to connect with all of you, the new journey as an author has been a very exciting and rewarding learning experience.

At first it was different for me because I’m used to having that immediate response from an audience. But then when the show is over the response dies out. With a book, the show never ends as the potential audience is always there and it’s so diversified in its age and country. It plays at all times of the day and night. On  crowded subways, in cafes, on a back porch swing and late at night under the covers…and that idea—that the audience is no longer a collective of people, but each audience member is alone somewhere in the world sharing my story—makes it feel more of an intimate creative experience than I ever had.

And it’s exciting to connect with and receive invaluable feedback from many people—family, friends, readers and site visitors—who have reached out through facebook, Twitter, Goodreads and private emails. I’ve received many great reviews for the book, and just today I received another amazing message from someone who felt my book had helped her through a struggle she was having in her life. All these moments along with all your care and support have made this an incredible journey for me and my wife. So thank you for your support and for a wonder-full year 🙂

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