It’s here. It’s finally here!
It’s been quite an exciting month so far.
First it started with this wonderful surprise we had this morning. There was this e-mail from our Chinese translators. Not really saying anything but just providing a link. We clicked it and there it was: because—well, it’s now 缘由.
As you know, we started the translation process for because back in January 2015 and now the Chinese version is available on (and soon to be released to other retailers in China). It is so cool to see Chinese characters tell the story of Robert Sanchez. (Even though I can’t understand but my wife does, so now maybe her mother and some of her family can read it.) And it already has been reviewed by a Chinese reader (happily 5 stars as well). Man, how grateful and fortunate I am!
It was quite a learning-full and such an interesting process working with these editors and translators. The thing that made me feel most grateful was working with these individuals who showed such incredible passion about their work: translating the book with such integrity as if they were writing the book themselves.
So thank you to the folks over at, especially to Habby (project manger), Huang Zhi (editor) and translators Xujing, Amy, Li Qiu and Daisy. Without the team, because wouldn’t have been available in the most populated country on earth.
The next thing that happened comes from the amazing work my wife has been doing at getting our book into libraries across the country (and a few outside of Canada), including those in Toronto, Ottawa and Vancouver! Next Saturday, October 8 at the Brampton Public Library, I will be doing my first public talk as an author, celebrating the 2016 Indie Author Day. It’s funny how nervous I feel. Even though I’ve performed on some of the biggest stages but this feels more raw and real than any of those experiences. I’ll tell you how it goes.
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